ngb-accordion or ngb-panel do not appear

First and most importantly Check if the third party import is correct and the import is in the right module Either import NgbModule or NgbAccordionModule import { NgbAccordionModule } from ‘@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap’; … import: [ NgbAccordionModule ] … Basic code for the ngb-accordion: <ngb-accordion activeIds=”test-panel”> <ngb-panel title=”Accordion Panel 1″ id=”test-panel”> <ng-template ngbPanelContent> This is accordion panelContinue reading “ngb-accordion or ngb-panel do not appear”

NPM Install global packages without sudo

Thanks to John Papa: Pre-requisites: npm should be installed 2. make a directory: mkdir ~/.npm-global 3. tell npm where to find/install global packages npm config set prefix ~/.npm-global Extra step so that it’s available in the environment variable: Update bash profile (in *nx or mac) – update or create ~/.bash_profile: NPM_PACKAGES=~/.npm_global/bin PATH=”$NPM_PACKAGES:${PATH}” export PATH